Saturday, January 12, 2013

Steve Jobs ...

I just finished Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaacson.
I must admit it was fantastic reading experience, and it opened my mind on some decisions Jobs' has made and on his philosophy...

I must admit, I did not like, for many years, Apple product paradigm, even though I was happy to use iPad for some time. I feel I have strong arguments against many facets of Apple's (and Jobs')  views on technology - nevertheless, the understanding of their (his) motives came to me just from this book.

And, I must admit, I started to appreciate and like them and him for the courage to be as they were ...

Could Steve inspire people like myself ? Certainly yes, and if you ask me for what - I immediately could tell: for his main goal to build enduring company ...


1 comment:

  1. Interesting blog about Steve jobs. I really enjoyed it during reading.


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