The original Polish & English translation can be find here:
"Recently, 15 Polish scientists have written a letter to Frans Timmermans, criticizing triggering Article 7
against the Polish government.
We respect anyone's right to voice their opinion. We also respect those
who signed the letter—many are our colleagues and teachers. However, we find the key claims of the letter
unfounded and its language deeply divisive, even offensive. The purpose of the present statement is to make
clear that a significant part of the Polish academic world rejects the accusations and innuendos contained in
the letter, as well as its hostile tenor.
The main claim of the letter is that European Union is trying to "overthrow our democratically elected
government" , in order to destroy the strong Polish democracy, so as to be able to govern Poles and other
European nations, using "a totalitarian social engineering" of political correctness and to keep supporting a
host of "domestic and international thieves". Another reason is Polish government's refusal to admit refugees
and, especially, the Polish "freedom of beliefs perhaps the most hated by the EU officials" .
These grave charges were made with virtually no justification. They are supported only by sweeping statements like "our current judiciary system represented nothing but a self-protecting postcommunist organization". At the same time, the authors implore their "friends from academia and beyond" (in a letter addressed
to Mr. Timmermans) to "think whether you have some serious grounds to believe your media. What if they
lie?". In reality, there are absolutely no grounds to believe the main statements of the letter. The claim
that the EU hates Polish freedom of belief and is trying to destroy it is preposterous. The opening criticism
"It is strange by itself, that these EU personalities, themselves just appointed - not elected, love so much
democracy" is an attempt at irony but comes out as a clumsy insult. The authors present no legal arguments or expertise, beyond a vague statement that "the proposed changes in our judiciary system are the same or
are very similar to those, which exist in other Western countries systems for decades".
In view of the international political situation, and of the Polish geographical position, it is of utmost
importance for Poland to remain one of the key EU states, and for this it is imperative to treat the statements
by the EU authorities seriously. We regret to conclude that our colleagues decided to put their signatures
under a letter of dubious quality, containing standard propaganda slogans instead of arguments, written
tenuously, inaccurately and aggresively. We want to make clear that we do not support its contents, its
hostility or its awkward style. Statements on important political subjects should be argued carefully and
we are supporting the idea of such a discussion. Making arbitrary accusations, regardless of one's political
views, is harmful for the community, for Poland and for Europe."
I have also signed the letter.
Mirek Sopek
PS. The photo I used here was made by AFP Photo/Wojtek Radwanski (from
This is my main blog. It is about books I read, music I listen and some other interesting things I find worth to share with you ...
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
The Statement of Poland's Supreme Court related to the public enunciations of Poland's Prime Minister.
With regard to the numerous public enunciations of the Prime
Minister of Poland, Mr. Mateusz Morawiecki related to the courts of Poland,
including the Supreme Court (i.e. in his exposé and especially in his article
in “Washington Examiner” from December 13th, 2017) it must be firmly
declared that his thesis about the domination of the communist time judges over
the Supreme Court is plainly false and cannot be used to objectify to the
collective move of 40 percent of judges into the compulsive retirement.
The fact of a given judge sentencing in the times of the Polish
Peoples Republic does not automatically render the judge judicially dependent
on the communist regime, or the one, whose actions were uncreditable. If Prime
Minister has access to the information about the particular cases and
particular judges, he should present them publically, instead of casting
injurious generalisations.
Similarly, he should act, when he claims that some court
proceedings were “led by bribes, whenever the case was more profitable”. Any
facts about such cases, which are known to the Prime Minister, should immediately
be transferred to the persecutor office. The Supreme Court community supports unconditional
persecution and severe punishing of corrupt judges. In the same time, we
strongly protest any unconfirmed, highly biased, and stereotypical references
to imaginary cases, particularly made by the Prime Minister of the Polish
government and published abroad. Such activity brings harm to thousands of
honest judges, who are the important part of the state of Poland.
The original:
We support the system of random allotment of cases to individual judges mentioned by the Prime Minister. Such a system should also be
applied to Supreme and Constitutional Courts – what unfortunately, was not introduced
by the previous reforms. However, we strongly protest against the claim about
the practice of “purchasing” of cases by judges.
We also cannot agree with the accusation, directly pointing
to the Supreme Court, about the alleged favouring of criminals who betray the
VAT system. We have already extensively explained all the related partcular cases. It
must also be noted that the Supreme Court did not participate in the acquittal
of the criminal charges against Mr. S. Kociołek (the claim by the Prime
Minister on December 17, 2017 in Szczecin). In this case the Supreme Court considered
the persecutor annulment and abolished the sentences of acquittal.
From the Prime Minister of Poland, whose opinions shape the
opinion of the public, we should expect matter-of-factness, and the use of
facts that were verified and confirmed.
(translation: Mirek Sopek)
and here:
Wobec licznych wypowiedzi Prezesa Rady Ministrów Mateusza Morawieckiego dotyczących sądów, w tym Sądu Najwyższego (m. in. w exposé, a zwłaszcza w artykule opublikowanym w „Washington Examiner” z 13 grudnia 2017 r.), stanowczo stwierdzić należy, że teza o dominacji w SN sędziów okresu komunizmu jest chybiona i nie może stanowić obiektywnej podstawy do grupowego przenoszenia w stan spoczynku 40 proc. sędziów. Sam fakt orzekania w czasach PRL nie świadczy o tym, że dany sędzia sprzeniewierzył się niezawisłości i postępował niegodnie. Jeśli Pan Premier dysponuje wiadomościami na temat konkretnych spraw i konkretnych sędziów powinien przedstawić je publicznie, a nie posługiwać się krzywdzącymi uogólnieniami.
Podobnie postąpić powinien wtedy, gdy stwierdza w odniesieniu do spraw sądowych, że „gdy sprawa wygląda na najbardziej dochodową, wymagane są łapówki”. Wiedza o takich sprawach powinna być udostępniona przez Pana Premiera organom ścigania. Środowisko SN popiera bezwzględne ściganie i surowe karanie sprzedajnych sędziów. Sprzeciwiamy się natomiast odwoływaniu się do niepotwierdzonych, obiegowych opinii i stereotypów i to w wypowiedziach Premiera polskiego rządu, publikowanych także za granicą. Krzywdzi to tysiące uczciwych sędziów, którzy są ważną częścią polskiego państwa.
Poprzeć należy system losowego przydzielania spraw poszczególnym sędziom, o którym wspomniał Pan Premier. System taki powinien jednak konsekwentnie działać także w Sądzie Najwyższym i Trybunale Konstytucyjnym, czego dotychczasowe reformy nie przewidziały. Sprzeciw budzi natomiast zagadkowa teza o praktyce kupowania spraw przez sędziów.
Nie możemy pogodzić się również z kierowanym wprost do Sądu Najwyższego zarzutem rzekomego sprzyjania przestępcom wyłudzającym VAT. W sprawie tej składaliśmy już obszerne wyjaśnienia. Zaznaczyć trzeba także, że Sąd Najwyższy (będący częścią wymiaru sprawiedliwości III Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej) nie współuczestniczył w uwolnieniu od odpowiedzialności karnej S. Kociołka (przemówienie Premiera w Szczecinie 17 grudnia 2017 r.). SN w 2015 r. uwzględnił w tej sprawie kasację prokuratora i uchylił wyroki uniewinniające (sygn. II KK 340/14).
Od Prezesa Rady Ministrów, którego wypowiedzi mają niewątpliwy wpływ na kształtowanie się opinii publicznej, oczekujemy rzeczowości i posługiwania się sprawdzonymi i potwierdzonymi informacjami.
Sunday, December 17, 2017
Decoding Reality The Universe as Quantum Information
"Decoding Reality - The Universe as Quantum Information" is a very important book in the recent series of hot discussion related to the role of information in physics, quantum computing and the relation of information to the theory of gravitation. Written using relatively simple language can be comprehended by literally everybody. Its author, Vlatko Vedral is renowned physicist specializing in the quantum information theory. He is Professor of Physics of the University of Oxford and of the National University of Singapore.
However, the great value of his book to me was in its references to philosophy and epistemology that were both very deep and comprehensive. I was glad to discover that he finds the fundamental value in the Popper's method of falsifiability (which is, to me, the most important method in all sciences). However, he pointed my attention also to the "negative theology" of the Cappadocian Fathers, which, when applied to the deepest mysteries of the reality - is perhaps the only way to start from. Of course the author applies it to the interplay between information and the reality... In that context, he also makes other interesting references to some other spiritual tradiations....
The book ends with the quote from Lau Tzu. I'm leaving it with a thought about the wisdom of the thinker who wrote it some 2600 years ago...:
Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
However, the great value of his book to me was in its references to philosophy and epistemology that were both very deep and comprehensive. I was glad to discover that he finds the fundamental value in the Popper's method of falsifiability (which is, to me, the most important method in all sciences). However, he pointed my attention also to the "negative theology" of the Cappadocian Fathers, which, when applied to the deepest mysteries of the reality - is perhaps the only way to start from. Of course the author applies it to the interplay between information and the reality... In that context, he also makes other interesting references to some other spiritual tradiations....
The book ends with the quote from Lau Tzu. I'm leaving it with a thought about the wisdom of the thinker who wrote it some 2600 years ago...:
The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth.
The named is the mother of ten thousand things.
Ever desireless, one can see the mystery.
Ever desiring, one can see the manifestations.
These two spring from the same source but differ in name;
this appears as darkness.
Darkness within darkness.
The gate to all mystery.
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth.
The named is the mother of ten thousand things.
Ever desireless, one can see the mystery.
Ever desiring, one can see the manifestations.
These two spring from the same source but differ in name;
this appears as darkness.
Darkness within darkness.
The gate to all mystery.
Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
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