Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The forgotten truth

remember who made you
and those before you
and those before them.

all the ancestors are within you,
stretching back to Creation.

years hence,
whom will you be within?

from Philip Toshio Sudo:
Zen Sex
The Way of Making Love

Saying it is an amazing book, is like saying nothing. Yet, for many deep reasons it is hard for me to write a typical review. Or, at least, it is difficult now...

Let me only say, that it touches deeply the realm touched by "Song Over Songs", and speaks also to those who while being in love could not have children with those they loved so much, and to those who could not have them at all. One of the deepest and truest book about love I ever read...

Beyond this terrific book, this was also the discovery of its author, Philips Toshio Sudo.
His books and his life is a true lighthouse for those who sail across the oceans of lives.

Gainesville, November 2017

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