Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Geraldine Brooks memoir

Geraldine Brooks is an Australian born writer and journalist. I know her writership from the "People of the Book", that I reviewed a couple of months ago.

"Foreign correspondence" is Geraldine's memoir built around the traditional letters she exchanged with her pen-pals in sixties and seventies. In the later part of her life, when she starts her journalist job and travels all over the world - she is able to visit and meet her "pals".

The book was, regret to say so, quite boring until some later chapters.

However, when she starts to describe her real life experience in Israel, the book starts to get some colour and vigor. She describes her conversion to Judaism - this part of the book is very good - just because of the deep frankness and sincerity that we can feel - no hype or false piety.

There is fantastic and objective account on Israel, based on her experince with both Jews and Arabs.

So, I must say, the second part of the book was just great and it makes the entire book worth reading !

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