Cory Doctorow is a blogger, activist, journalist, sci-
fi writer and a father of a daughter.
His book "
Content" is a selection of several articles and talks Cory wrote or delivered over last couple of years. It is hard to tell, what is this book about, because it is about everything important for us - nerds of Internet, citizens of cyberspace!
Subtitle: "Selected Essays on Technology, Creativity, Copyright and the Future of the Future" needs some explanation when it comes to "The Future of the Future". The part of Cory's book that is about Future of the Future, explores some Sci-
Fi born ideas.
Particularly, he explores the idea of
singularity - the idea quite important from
philosophical point of view - even though it has an aura of total fantasy today...
In other parts it is about the very concept of information,
intellectual ownership and copyright in digital era. It contains my favorite text Cory ever wrote "
Metacrap: Putting the Torch to Seven Straw-Men of the Meta-Utopia" (the original is
here). The text is short but profound. By debunking the
metadata hype (in essence - "explicit"
metadata), he almost obliges all proponents of Semantic Web to rethink of
thier basic tenants....
But it also covers the issues of
eBooks and social platforms (with very profound critics of
Facebook). He is also very critical of
DRM, and his reasoning on this topic is just great and brave.
See for example what he
dared to say to Microsoft guys....
There is also a citation of famous "
A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace" the seminal text by John Perry Barlow, one of creators of Electronic Frontier Foundation.
All in All - the book is a must for all of us who care about what web means to us....
Needless to say,
the book is free to download and
free to listen to. Enjoy !