Sunday, June 05, 2005

Cryptography & XML

Probably it is good thing to announce now ( to mobilizie myself!!!!) ... I write two books ... Based on my lectures on cryptography and on XML technologies the two texts grow slowly but steady almost every week. As for cryptography one, I devided it in two parts. The first is about cryptology history (I would not dare to write it if I had not chance to read the monumental Kahn's "The CodeBreakers") the second is about modern cryptographic techniques described in almost-non-mathematical way. The intended audience of the books are my current and future students of The Academy of Humanities and Economics in Lodz. I can not afford two much of math there :-(.
The XML book covers XML basics and some selected XML technologies. Both are (unfortunately) so far in Polish. However, the fact is that all informal notes I make while preparing the material is in English, so maybe one day .... :-)


  1. Anonymous4:04 PM

    czesc Ojciec;)

  2. Anonymous9:55 PM

    0_o O matko Boska! Wlasnie spojrzalam sobie, tatus, na strone, ktora podales w ktojrejs tam nowej notce (ze zdjeciami) i zobvaczylam na dole SIEBIE! Tatus! Po kiego grzyba tam JA?! :O :)

  3. Anonymous9:56 PM

    0_o O Matko boska! Tatuś! Coś Ty tam umieścił na stronie ze zdjęciami swoimi?! O ludzie! po kiego grzyba tam JA?!?! :O ;)

  4. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Ojciec! No gdzie Cię wcięło?? Gdzie się podziewasz?? A przypadkiem nie powinno się wrócić do chaty?? :>


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This is automated translation of Tomasz Lis article which appeared in NaTemat online journal:,feli...