Tuesday, January 25, 2005

ASPexplore offline apps and RSS/RDF feeds

I have tried an interesting and very, very simple thing. Using ASPexplore I wrote a little app that goes (using XMLHTTP) to some indicated place on the web where I have an RSS feeds - and displays them (XSLT transformed) right on the desktop. I was inspired by Juicy Studio examples. Nothing special, one would say, but it is just beautiful to see these little things working right. In this case it is this little app that can be build using ASPexplore in 15 minutes and display things beautifully.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

RDF lecture

I didn't write here about but I lecture at The Academy of Humanities and Economics in Lodz. This semester (just ends) was all about XML and related technologies. So far my lectures are not ready for publishing. Tomorrow morning I will be talking about RDF, Semantic Web and Ontolgies. Nice themes. When younger, I was crazy about philosophy, and partially still am I. :-)

New version

On Thursday and part of Friday I tested our flagship business product, MegaSale with latest version of our engine - ASPexplore The results are very promising - I did not report any problem that could be attributed to the new methods of handling temporary files, managing the size of ASPTEMP folders etc.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

FireFox & ASP.NET

We had a strange experience today. One of our business projects done in ASP.NET refused to display correct GUI using FireFox. I'm however, not sure if it is not a problem of ASP.NET. The promise was the client side HTML will not depend on the browser engine. Apparently it does.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

FireFox - an alteranative rendering engine for ASPexplore

We shortly discussed today the possibility to use some Mozilla rendering engines in future versions of ASPexplore. To soon to have a definite conclusion if it would act better or worse that IE.

Monday, January 17, 2005

ASPExplore article

Well, I probably should explain the context of my technological thinking first. But, as a busy man, I have not enough time to do so. At least at once. Future posts will explain more. So well, let me refer you to my article that will apear in March edition of "Software 2.0" magazine (http://www.software.com.pl/main/en/). My text of the article can be find here. It is all about ASPExplore, the tool that realizes my idea of writting modern software. I just finished the article a day before, so it is fresh :-)

Sunday, January 16, 2005


Welcome all to my blog. Well, as I wrote in the description, for years I did not appreciate blogs. I found them as an expression of exhibitionism. Well, everything changed after David Weinberger's (http://www.hyperorg.com/blogger/)

Tomasz Lis on Bidding Farewell to America: "The Worst is Likely Yet to Come"

This is automated translation of Tomasz Lis article which appeared in NaTemat online journal: https://natemat.pl/blogi/tomaszlis/589934,feli...